The 'State of Amsterdam' is a showcase of street photographers living in Amsterdam. 
They tell about the everyday with their photos. And by approaching the everyday in a different way each time, a collection of unique images is created. 
The 'State of Amsterdam' wants to offer these street photographers a platform to show their work to a larger audience. It's about life today, the momentum we are in now. We show this work in different styles and we bundle the work in printed zines. Because photographs only exists on paper. 
With these zines we want to connect and inspire each other and show you Amsterdam how we feel it.
Because we are the 'State of Amsterdam'.

The State of the city
The State of the streets
The State of our time
State of Amsterdam is a non-profit initiative aimed at offering a showcase for street photography talent from Amsterdam.
The magazine is curated, all participating photographers are contributing voluntarily and unpaid.
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Stay in the loop when a new zine is out. 
Each edition of the State of Amsterdam has a maximum of 9 different photographers with a maximum of 4  photos. The choice of Amsterdam-based photographers is made by invitation only. 
However if you think that your work from Amsterdam also fits in here, feel free to send a link to your portfolio.
An International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) is an eight-digit serial number used to uniquely identify a serial publication (periodical), such as a magazine.

State of Amsterdam is registered with the following numbers:

Hardcopy: 3050-4953
Digital: 3050-4961

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